OCTOBER 9, 2010
“Secretariat”, a movie about the racehorse of the same name, got mediocre reviews. Hopefully, I will get to the movieshow to see it in the next few weeks. I like the subject matter and the reviews were not bad. It seems worth a few bucks to me.
Has Governor Pat Quinn ever had a job that was not with the government or a quasi-government agency? He has always been on the government dole. He has never had to make it in the real world where budgets exist and money isn’t free; where you hire people because you need them not as a favor; where you have to have the money to pay a new hire, not just work on a deficit. In the real world, deficits become due, you either pay them off or go out of business; in government work, that is not a consideration, the State of Illinois can’t go out of business.
Quinn is running ads scolding his opponent, Bill Brady, for being wealthy. When did it become a bad thing to be a success. Americans used to strive for success. We lived in a country where the streets were lined in gold. Now you get chastised for being a success. Just because Pat Quinn was not sharp enough to make it in the non-governmental world does not make it a bad thing if you do. Quinn is a success in his chosen field but his field is driven by greed, fraud, lies and self-promotion.
Welfare and entitlement programs are helping to tear this country apart. Generations of welfare sucking families ruins it for the needy. Being broke is a temporary situation people work to rectify. Being poor has become a way of life in this country. One in seven people get food stamps in America. That is over 41 million people receiving food stamps and most will never cease getting them. Food stamps are just the beginning; we give away medical care, rent money, housing, schooling, transportation, day care, grant money, low interest loans and so forth. The people who work pay for the lazy people. Welfare should be a temporary help to people suffering temporary financial embarrassment. No one is ENTITLED to welfare.
Pat Quinn and politicians like him give away our money to the takers in society expecting their vote. The have-nots then elect politicians sympathetic to their position. This is the opposite of how it should work. This country was much better off before the government started giving away the farm. If you have ambition and ability, become successful and run for public office to offer your expertise, the Pat Quinns of the world attack you for being wealthy. People like Bill Foster pass assinine laws and then attack you for following the law he passed.
I am sick of the state of politics as it currently exists. Let’s vote everybody out and start over. It cannot get any worse.
On a lighter note, a woman who worked for the NY Jets when Brett Farve played for them has come out about Favre trying to strike up a relationship with her. She says Favre sent her cell phone pictures of his penis. That is weird or is it a residual effect of years of concussions. You can hear some of his cell phone messages and see some of the pictures at;
The inheritance tax, that currently does not exist, will come back on Jan. 1, 2011. The ‘death tax’ as it is known has not been around for a while. Obama is bringing it back. It is estimated that George Steinbrenner, by dying in 2010, saved over 500 million dollars in death taxes his family did not have to pay. Had he held on and died in 2011, his family would owe the tax.
As 2011 approaches, and the tax gets closer to being law, some elderly rich person is going to be murdered by his family to avoid paying the ‘death tax’. This will likely happen more than once. It will also likely happen that a sick, near death rich person kills himself or asks for assistance to die in 2010 thereby avoiding the ‘death tax’.
Our government at work or asleep, you decide. The 2009 stimulus package resulted in $250.00 checks being sent to 89,000 people who were dead or incarcerated. Some of the checks went to people who had not received benefits for up to 30 years. Some would have been as old as 136 years old, if they were alive, when the checks went out. The government said it was nobody’s fault. Then how did it happen? It has to be someone’s fault. It just didn’t happen.
Another example that the government thinks they are playing with Monopoly money.
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