Thursday, February 24, 2011

The World is nearing Armageddon?

February 24, 2011
February 24 is … National Tortilla Chip Day
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

Slaughter in America; fortunately, the stories about slaughter of people in America it is still news but for how long? News, by definition, is a story that is out of the ordinary; the slaughter in this country is not out of the ordinary anymore.

Authorities in Ohio are investigating the double homicide of a young couple who were found shot in the head over the weekend. The bodies of Cord Cox, 23, and his 25-year-old girlfriend, Betheny Mehall, were discovered Sunday afternoon in a vehicle parked on a remote road in Ashtabula County, about 50 miles southwest of Cleveland. Authorities have not named a suspect or person of interest in the killings. Coroner's investigator Richard Mongell said the preliminary autopsy indicates Cox and Mehall each died from a single bullet to the back of the head.
The world has been undergoing an enormous amount of change or proposed change and revolution during most of 2011. This, however, is not new. The 1900s were full of change, proposed change and revolution. The Russian revolution happened, World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War and many other wars or skirmishes. The 1800s also had upheaval and revolutions around the globe. Of course, the 1700s saw the American and French revolutions
The African continent is always changing and it is today, as are other parts of the world. Russia revolted, became a main player in world policy and revolted to insignificance again. Germany started two major wars, lost them both, became a divided nation and reunited. Japan has had economic ups and downs to go along with its political upheaval. Korea is a mess and will be for the foreseeable future. China was a non-entity for a large part of its history outside of the Far East. Japan pillaged China before and during WW II, waking it up. China is constantly experiencing protests, suppressing them and then waiting for the next one to suppress. The latest news out of China during the last few days is that another citizen’s revolt is being suppressed.
There is one recurring theme running through history since 1900; the United States of America always comes to the rescue, checkbook in hand. That has got to end now!
The United States experienced civil unrest in the sixties and seventies to the point our troops shot and killed U.S. citizens. The U. S. government has abandoned the free enterprise system for a modified form of Socialism. Redistribute the wealth by always portraying the wealthy as the greedy bad guys. The United States Congress is constantly fighting and bickering while never changing a thing for the better. During 1995, while Clinton was President, the federal government was forced to shut down for a few days over a budget battle. No one missed it unless you were waiting for a government check. You never lost money however, the payments were made a little late but they were made. The country did not save a penny even though millions of government workers did not work. That battle came to an end with no political winner but two big losers, the citizens of this country and the illegal aliens in this country.

The federal government is closing in on another shut down. What does Congress do? They go on vacation. When Congress reconvenes they will have four days to avert a shut down. The government is already working on an extension. Whatever plan is passed, it will only cover the final seven months of this fiscal year. The NFL and the federal government could shut down at the same time. More people will follow the NFL shut down because we all know the government will not cancel a year.

Then we have Wisconsin. What is happening in Wisconsin is a preview of what is going to happen all around this country. Every Republican governor is watching Wisconsin with hope and a smile. If the governor wins in Wisconsin, an epidemic will breakout. Republican governors will call for the tough cuts, blaming the Democrats for getting the state into the situation and refusing to fix it. The governor will bite the bullet and force the tough changes on the state, counting on it working and counting on people forgetting before the next election if it doesn’t. Like James Carvill repeated for Clinton, at election time, the only issue is. “It’s the economy stupid.”

The United States is nearing a revolution against the institution of Congress. The decades old policy of “throw money at it” does not work. We have now thrown so much money at problems Congress created in the first place without fixing them that we are out of money to throw. Mother Hubbard’s cupboard is bare. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Rangel, Franks and the rest of the Democrats just don’t get it. Luckily, the citizens do and the revolt is gaining steam and it is unmistakable.

Congress and our other leaders, we have no more money, quit spending our money, quit raising taxes and/or fees and quit passing unfunded mandates on the states and on us. Lead or get the hell out of the way! For once in your existence listen to a voice other than your own. Quit blaming Bush. Quit saying these are the worst economic times in our history or in some 80 years. Congress, you created the mess. Every bad time is the worst in history or in some identifiable time period. You cannot spend your way out of bankruptcy and even the federal government ought to know that.

President Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War and toppled the Communist Soviet Union by building a huge defense system; smart bombs, Star Wars stuff. Never mind most of it did not work. The Russians thought it did and had to stay current with us. They were too far behind the eightball and did not have the financial wherewithal to stay-up. Reagan forced the Soviet Union into spending itself into bankruptcy. We can all see what happened there. They are still trying to recover over twenty tears later. Congress better learn from those historical times.

The Middle East appears to live in its own world and timeline and always has. Tunisia collapsed then Egypt. Next will likely be Libya followed by Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Lebanon, Oman, Morocco, Iran and Iraq, which we already pushed into revolution; perhaps even Saudi Arabia. What happens when the world has a significant area of it without genuine leadership, governments or a viable plan. A rudderless boat cannot be steered. One chief can rule an entire tribe if he is wise, kind, compassionate and peaceful.
Is this Armageddon? Is this normal? Is this just the way it is? Did the citizens of the world bring this upon themselves? Is the United States a major culprit in this global crisis?
This is not Armageddon. This will be the new normal for a few years. The United States no longer can afford to charge in on our white horse and save the damsel in distress. John Wayne is dead but he can be reincarnated. This will be this way for a while. It has been this way in the Middle East for centuries and that will not change. The world brought this upon itself by forcing everyone to be the same. We are not the same. We do not think the same. We do not like the same things. We do not treat women the same. We dot have the same justice system. We do not raise children the same. We do not follow the same God. History should have taught us we are not all equal. We are not all the same. We do not all eat the same foods, play the same games or respect each other, borders or peace the same. If we refuse to learn from history, we will continue to repeat it. The United States is arrogant enough to believe only we do it the right way and if you do not do it our way you are doing it wrong. ‘It’ can be anything.
The United States has to accept much of the blame for the broken down world we live in. We should not export democracy. Not everyone wants it or likes it. We should quit buying friends and supposed allies with foreign aid. We do not need to be the world’s police force any longer. The chicks must leave the nest sometime, even if we have to push them out. They will quickly learn to fly on their own during the fall.
The downfall of the United States and much of the world is the phantom global society and global economics. Why not try isolationism again. If we have something the rest of the world wants, they can come to us. Remember the 'build a better mousetrap' concept? The United States is a resourceful nation with intelligent, resourceful people in it. We can engineer our way through any material shortages isolationism creates. The rest of the world cannot. We have more natural resources than any country in the world. Let’s get back to good old American ingenuity and fend for ourselves. Let the rest of the world fix itself and deal with its own problems. It does not take a village to raise a child, it takes a brain. Lets build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to our door.
I love the United States of America and would not want to live anywhere else. This country has to get back to where we were when we were loved and admired almost universally around the globe. We can get back there but not if we insist on bringing the world with us. In everything in life we have champions, the best of the best. Our country should be the champions of the world. Lead by example. Do as we do not as we say. The world will catch on. It did once, it will again.

DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search, Check this site out.
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