Thursday, March 10, 2011

It is open season on innocent people in Illinois; thanks to Gov. Milquetoast, we cannot even threaten to execute a killer.

March 10, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
March 10 is … Festival Of Life In The Cracks Day. I don’t make this stuff up.

The former governor of Illinois is a moron and apparently has hired morons for attorneys. He is asking the Federal Judge hearing his case, Judge Zagel, to give him a pass. He wants the Judge to throw out all of the charges against him accept the one he was found guilty of. He says he will plead guilty to that charge and be sentenced. He wants to keep the right to appeal however. He doesn’t seem to get that he was found guilty. He does not have to plead guilty, he is already guilty. His reasoning is that it will save taxpayers money. Tough economic times do not amount to a Get Out of Jail Free Card; not for this jerk, not for anyone who could make the same argument. What a piece of horse crap!

The current governor, the one that is in office because his boss is in Court, isn’t much better. He ran for governor saying he supported the death penalty. Now, Governor Milquetoast has changed his mind and outlawed the death penalty in Illinois. I did not vote to outlaw the death penalty. This is a big enough decision that the citizens should decide this by vote, not by default. I hope a Judge in Illinois has the tenacity to sentence a defendant to death and sign a death warrant setting the execution for before July 1, 2011. It would be a tough call to have the new law retro-active. Criminals are sentenced under current law as of the time the crime took place. If the crime is death penalty eligible and a criminal is sentenced to death before July 1, 2011, I think, legally, he should be executed.

Since President Obama took office, gasoline prices have nearly doubled. Some of this is because of the Middle East turmoil but most of it is the fault of our President. He has stopped the off-shore drilling thereby reducing potential inventory. Secondly and most significantly, he is obsessed with the “green” concept. This has caused a inefficient use of oil and an uptick in prices. The goal may be admirable but getting there is costly and will take quite a while. The EPA has imposed costly and needless obstacles to producers. The Administration has stayed away from rising gas prices in order to highlight alternative fuel vehicles. That is a losing battle.

Competitive and acceptable alternative fuel vehicles do not exist. Obama has tried to force health care down our throats. That is going nicely. Forcing alternative fuel vehicles or sources down our throats will make health care look like a picnic. Wise up Washington and all Democrats. Private industry in America will solve the energy issue if the government would just get out of the way.

I mentioned yesterday that two U. S. Marshals had been shot in St. Louis. Luckily, the suspect, a career criminal, was killed. Now, one of the Marshals has died.  A shooting broke out in St. Louis this morning as authorities tried to serve an arrest warrant, leaving one deputy U.S. marshal dead and another deputy marshal and a St. Louis police officer wounded. The suspect was also killed. deputy U.S. Marshal John Perry died of his injuries this evening after being shot in the head, according to a press release. Perry, 48, had been with the U.S. Marshals for almost 10 years.

We are going to start hearing about different scams designed to separate us from our money concerning gas additives and other ways to save gas money. Do mnot put anything in your gas tank if it doesn’t come from the pump at the gas station or an auto parts store. Do not put moth balls into your gas tank. It does not work. Years ago, moth balls were made of different chemicals. They may have increased octane. The modern moth balls do not.

It could happen anywhere but it was in Georgia and the guy who had the sex worked at Shorty’s, go figure. A central Georgia couple has pleaded guilty to having their 14-year-old daughter engage in sex with a man so that they would not have to make monthly payments on their secondhand minivan.

Sandra Davis, 37, of Dodge County, pleaded guilty to child molestation and was sentenced to eight years in prison on Monday. Davis did not physically abuse her daughter, but she did admit to encouraging her to trade sex for the van payments, The Macon Telegraph reported. Davis' husband, James Davis, 39, and used-car salesman Robert Bearden, 67, both pleaded guilty to molestation. They were both sentenced to 10 years in prison and 10 years probation. The Davises and Bearden were arrested in March 2010 after authorities learned of the car-payment arrangement during the course of an unrelated investigation. According to police, the Davises had their daughter do "sexual favors" for Bearden, then manager of Shorty's Used Cars in Eastman, so they would not have to make their monthly payments of $281 on the 1998 Dodge Caravan they had bought.

"It makes me personally sick to my stomach," Dodge County sheriff's Capt. Tony Winborn told the Telegraph after the arrests were made. The judge who sentenced the defendants also barred them from having any contact with the victim for 20 years. Oconee Circuit District Attorney Timothy Vaughn did not immediately return calls for comment. According to the Telegraph, he said that the girl, now 16, is now in a "good home environment."

The end of the innocence; moral decay is rampant throughout our society, we either deal with it or go the way of the DoeDoe bird. Authorities in Texas have arrested more than a dozen suspects in the gang rape of an 11-year-old girl. There is outrage and there is anger -- but much of it is being directed at the victim.

"People have a tendency to say, 'Boys will be boys.' That is a common mentality now," Dr. Walter E. Afield, a nationally known mental health expert, told AOL News. "But rape can be just bad as murder, and if they had killed an 11-year-old people would be outraged." The girl's mother says she has been receiving harassing phone calls from people asking for her daughter.

"[People] keep calling and asking for her," the victim's mother, identified only as Maria, told the Houston Chronicle "They don't believe me when I say she's not here and cuss us out. They're trying to find her."

Maria's daughter has told police that at least 20 teenagers and men attacked her on Thanksgiving. The girl said she was taken to an abandoned home in Cleveland, 50 miles northeast of Houston, where she was forced to have sex with them under the threat of violence, police said. Details of the gang rape did not surface until days later, when cell phone video recordings of the assault surfaced at Cleveland High School. According to the Chronicle, a student who recognized the victim and several of her attackers notified school officials. Since that time, 17 suspects, ages 14 to 27, have been charged. "There are five who attend public schools," Cleveland Assistant Police Chief Darrel Broussard told AOL News. "Everyone knows them." James D. Evans III, an attorney who represents four of the defendants, told CNN the entire ordeal is a "tragic" situation. "The families are dealing with it. It is [a] very stressful environment," he said. The rapists and their families are not the victims and the tough time they are experiencing should be meaningless. If they wouldn’t hire a spokesperson, no one would know who they are or care who they are. They are not guilty of the sins of their fathers, so to speak.

Some are pointing a finger at the victim's parents. "Where were they when this girl was seen wandering at all hours with no supervision and pretending to be much older?" Cleveland resident Kisha Williams told the Chronicle. That is a tough sell. Even if the parents have some blame here, it is never open rape season on women, especially eleven years. Maria told the Chronicle she believes her daughter may have been seeking attention in the past and says she and her husband had once questioned their daughter about a lurid photo of a boy that was found on a cell phone she used, but she says the boys should have known better.

"These guys knew she was in middle school," Maria said. "You could tell that whenever you talked to her. She still loves stuffed bears." The case is somewhat similar to one that is making its way through the legal system in Michigan right now. In June, five teenagers, ages 15 to 19, allegedly gang-raped an 11-year-old girl in Eastpointe, Mich. A portion of the incident was captured on a cell phone video. The suspects claim they did not know her age, police said. Authorities said the girl was not physically threatened, but felt coerced and intimidated into complying. "When you see five young men take advantage of an 11-year-old girl," Macomb County Prosecutor Eric Smith told the Detroit News. "it is our job to make sure they pay for it." If convicted, the teenagers could face up to life in prison.

DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

“Three things cannot be long hidden:
the sun, the moon,
and the truth.”

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