Sunday, March 27, 2011

Liar, liar, pants on fire, hanging from a telephone wire. Where's a telephone wire when you need one?

March 27, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
March 27 is … National "Joe"

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Have a cup of Joe this morning? While doing that, think about how citizens around the globe do not believe what governments say; their government or any government. Japan is the latest government to not be believed. Their citizens and the rest of the world knows the government is hiding the extent of the nuclear disaster. This is a hard one to keep secret but the Japanese government is trying to control the spin on the story. How can the water be unsafe to drink on Wednesday but OK on Thursday? What did they do, boil it? The nuclear problems are not the only things the government is hiding and lying about. The death toll is going to be well over 20,000 people but the government officially has it at under 8,000 people. The bodies are starting to spoil and they are washing up on shore. This is another situation you cannot hide but the Japanese government is trying. Why do governments have to treat its citizens as children and stupid children at that?

Libya is another current example.  Like many dictators and leaders of suppressed people, the Libyan government mostly ignores the turmoil in their country. When it is mentioned, it is just to brag how they are winning, beating back the invaders and rebels. If you ignore reality long enough and just continually tell lies, sooner or later the truth is forgotten about.

Similar tactics and propaganda was used by Saddam Hussein in Iraq during both wars we started against him. The Iranian leaders use this nonsense and have for years. They obviously do not care what the world outside of Iran thinks of them as long as their people believe it. Since this is all the Iranian people hear, they believe it.

North Korea is an expert as this subterfuge. You can tell when a North Korean government official is lying, his lips are moving. The President of North Korea issued a press release about eight years ago at the height of the Tiger Woods mania. The government release said the North Korean leader, in his early 60s at the time, tried golf for the first time. The release said he became bored with the easy game. He shot a 28 with 11 holes-in-ones. The North Koreans continually push the world to the brink of attack and then promises the world what it wants never intending on changing. The world accepts this time and again just to avoid a war. The North Koreans then brag to their citizens how they beat the world again.

In the news recently are other regimes no one believes i.e. Jordan, Tunisia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt and Somalia. All of these countries lie to the world and to their citizens. No one with half a brain believes what they say. A monkey with ears is more truthful.

European leaders are not much better. Russian leaders have lied since before WWII and continue to do so. Some of their leaders are in prison or have been eliminated by other government officials when the lies were not believed. The leader of Italy is a lying sexual predator. Not much credibility there. The leader of France is also carrying sexual predator baggage and the public lies of denial that come with the allegations. The former leader of Israel was just sentenced to prison for criminal activity.

Then we have the MENSA Society members running Afghanistan and Pakistan and the rest of the ‘Stans’ over there. Who could possibly believe or trust these drug smuggling government leaders? They are prostitutes. They take our money and then screw us, like most of the world does, but we do not learn.

Our government is no better. Our leaders tell us we will be out of a war in six months – a lie. We are told Gitmo prison will close as soon as I am President – a lie. We are told we have a coalition to fight in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or Somalia – more lies. I will not raise taxes – lie. Health care reform will lower prices and everyone will get it - lies. Illegal aliens will not get welfare or free medical – lies. I am not a crook – lie. I did not have sexual relations with that woman – lie. The bailout will prevent unemployment from going over 8% - lie. The bank, company, (insert any industry you want) is too big to fail; we have to bail them out – lie, lie, lie. The list is nearly endless and disgusting. The worst part is that we, as citizens, accept the lies and keep voting these weasels into office. A prime example is Newt Gingrich. This lizard is a liar, see story below.

The earth has less than 200 countries on it. We give foreign aid to over 150. That is not money well spent and every politician promises to change it but they all lie.
Slaughter in America from three days ago. This story defines selfishness and lack of gratitude. According to a story on Aol, by their crime reporter, David Lohr, an Amber Alert for two juveniles has been canceled after they were found. In its place, a homicide investigation has been opened by police in Columbia, Ky., who have charged one of the juveniles in connection with the double homicide of his legal guardians.

Christopher Endicott, 15, has been charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of Gary Holloway, 50, and Barbara Holloway, 51. Police said a host of other charges have been issued as well, including fleeing and evading police, wanton endangerment, reckless driving and criminal mischief. "The investigation is ongoing and more charges could be forthcoming, pending a grand jury hearing," State Trooper Billy Gregory told AOL News. Authorities have declined to comment on how the Holloways were killed. "Autopsies are currently under way," Gregory said. Police have called off an Amber Alert for Christopher Endicott, 15, and Kyra Shockley, 12. Endicott has been charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of his legal guardians. Shockley was returned to the custody of her mother. The investigation into the case began Tuesday morning, when 12-year-old Kyra Shockley was reported missing. Shockley's mother, Ginger Shively, told TV station WBKO-13 that she suspected her daughter had run away with Endicott. She also said she did not approve of her daughter's relationship with the 250-pound teenager, which she said had been going on for about three months.

Investigators went to the Holloway home in Edmonton several times on Tuesday, but nobody answered the door. Later that day, at about 2:30 p.m., a family member of the Holloways entered the home and discovered the couple dead. No one else was found in the residence. Police also discovered that the couple's vehicle, a 1997 Chevy Lumina, was missing. Gregory said the couple had been awarded legal custody of Endicott in January. Family members told Lexington's LEX-18 TV station that the teen was a distant relative of Gary Holloway, whom they described as a quiet and generous person. "I just went to pieces," Holloway's sister, Marie Edwards, told LEX-18 of learning about her brother's death. "You hear something like that ... it's just everything runs through your mind at once. You don't know what to think."

Authorities issued an Amber Alert for the missing juveniles and released their photos to the media. The alert made it clear that authorities were already suspicious of their unexplained disappearance. "The ... missing children were possibly involved in a double homicide, but the circumstances remain unknown," the alert stated. "The children are believed to be in danger." However, at about 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, a firefighter spotted the Chevy Lumina driving down a highway in nearby Barren County. Police chased the car briefly, before it rammed through a fence, Gregory said. The juveniles were caught after a short foot chase.

Both juveniles were taken into custody for questioning. Following the interviews with homicide investigators, detectives made the decision to charge Endicott in connection with the case. Authorities are not yet commenting on what, if anything, the boy said to implicate himself. Endicott is being held at the Adair County Youth Development Center. Shockley has not been charged and was released to her mother.

Newt Gingrich has done an about face on President Obama and the Libyan situation. Newt Gingrich was all over President Barack Obama back on March 7 for not moving against Moammar Gadhafi, calling for an immediate no-fly zone over Libya and declaring that "this is a moment to get rid of him. ... Get it over with."

On Fox News, the former House speaker, who works for Fox News, said that "the idea that we're confused about a man who has been an anti-American dictator since 1969 just tells you how inept this administration is. ... The United States doesn't need anybody's permission. ... All we have to say is that we think that slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that we're intervening."

Now that President Obama has done what Gingrich and many others said he should do, Gingrich says he would not have done what Obama did. Speaking on NBC’s The Today Show Gingrich said on Thursday, "I would not have intervened," Gingrich continued "I think there were a lot of other ways to affect Gadhafi. I think there are a lot of other allies in the region we could have worked with. I would not have used American and European forces."

What a liar, what a hypocrite, what an adulterous flip-flopper. This clown, who was run out of Congress, may run for President and will be a major candidate. We deserve what we get if we keep electing the truth and honesty challenged jerks that keep running and buy the elections by spending the better candidates into oblivion.
DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

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