Friday, April 1, 2011

Nixon revisited.

April 1, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
April 1 is … One Cent Day

I hope you believe everything I write today. It has got to be worth a one cent on one cent day, at least.

Reports are running rampant that President Barrack Obama is going to resign in a
Nationally broadcast speech at noon central time today. The resignation is apparently related to his birth place. NBC News is reporting it has confirmed that President Obama was not born in the United States or any of its territories thereby making him unconstitutionally qualified to serve as President. The NBC News report has been confirmed by ABC News, CBS News, the AP, CNN and Fox News. The White House will not confirm the resignation but has confirmed President Obama will speak to the Nation at noon central time “on a matter of national importance.”

 Numerous news outlets have reported that First Lady Michelle Obama and the couple’s two children have left Washington DC. Chicago news organizations are reporting a flurry of activity around the Obama’s Chicago home.  Other reports have stated Vice-President Joe Biden has been in the White House for over twenty-four hours. He has cancelled all public appearances through April 5, 2011 as has President Obama. The VP’s family has been seen at his Washington DC home, including the children rarely seen in the public eye.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff have called for a session to commence at ten a. m. this morning. The Supreme Court has delayed all Court arguments until two p. m. today. The ramping up of security around the White House is obvious as well as increased security around Vice-President Joe Biden and the Speaker of the House, John Boehner.

This riveting turn of events is apparently related to the long discussed reports surrounding the birth place of President Obama. The President has refused to release an official copy of his Birth Certificate. He claims he was born in Hawaii. His mother is dead and never confirmed his birth place while alive. His father has made conflicting statements regarding the location of his son’s birth. President Obama and his father did not have regular contact while the President was growing up and still do not have much to do with each other. Obama’s father is not American and that has never been an issue.

Hawaiian officials have never been able to confirm the birth location because of State law. President Obama could allow the State to release the Birth Certificate but he never has authorized the release. The Tea Party and many Republicans have been harping on the birth certificate issue since before President Obama was elected.

The Internet is the home to many web sites dedicated to ‘birthers’, people who are convinced President Obama was not born in America. Many of these sites have posted Birth Certificates they claim prove he was born in India, Africa, Indonesia and many other places. If the news reports of the resignation prove accurate and the reason is the birth location, this will prove to be a boom for the internet, the Tea Party and the Republicans. It could also set race relations back fifty years.

The repercussions of the resignation of President Obama, if it is for the reasons being reported, are enormous. All presidents take an oath of office. The oath is short and to the point. The person taking the oath generally inserts his name after “I”. The Constitutional Oath of Office is: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The oath has an underlying assumption that the person taking the oath is constitutionally qualified to be President. The oath states the President will “… preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” It is hard to defend the Constitution if you violate the Constitution by taking the Oath of Office. This could result in President Obama being criminally liable for perjury. His defense is he did not where he was born. Good luck with that defense. Who does not know where they were born? It could also call into play the legality of all actions taken by Obama as President.

The country does have precedence for this situation. President Richard Nixon resigned from the Presidency on August 9, 1974. About a month later, on September 8, 1974, President Gerald Ford gave Nixon a “full, free and complete” pardon.

It has generally been accepted that although no one is above the law, the former President of the United States does not go to jail after office absent a violent, murderous crime. We do not have a prison designed to house a former President. He could not be housed in a typical prison or with the general population. Additionally, former Presidents of the United States of America do not go to jail because it does not look good from a public relations viewpoint. Former Presidents of banana republic’s or corrupt African nations go to prison, not former US Presidents.

Fox News is also reporting every individual with press credentials has been ordered to turn them in to the White House press liaison. Every new President picks which press people he will deal with. Another sign a change is eminent.

The ramifications from this decision, if resignation occurs, will be earth shattering. The Democratic Party could cease to be a major player on the national scene for decades. Health care reform will come back with a vengeance. The wars we are involved in will be revisited. The failing economy and the widely viewed filed policies of the Obama Administration will be back in play. Nothing will be sacred. While the Nation is consumed with this scandal, the Republicans and Tea Party could ram legislation through Congress affecting everything from entitlement programs, Social Security, immigration and the defense budget; all while the citizens are recovering from the Obama fiasco.

Today is going to be an interesting day, to say the least.

The Governor of Wisconsin is backing down. Apparently he pulled a major April Fool’s Day joke on the State. According to the Huffington Post, a Wisconsin judge on Thursday did what thousands of pro-union protesters and boycotting Democratic lawmakers couldn't, forcing Republican Gov. Scott Walker to halt plans to implement a law that would strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights and cut their pay. Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi, who had issued an order intended to block implementation of the law while she considered a challenge to its legitimacy and warned of sanctions for noncompliance, amended her order Thursday to clarify that the law had not taken effect, as Republican leaders argued it had. The governor's top aide, Department of Administration Secretary Mike Huebsch, later issued a statement saying Walker would comply with Sumi's order and halt preparations that were under way to begin deducting money from most public workers' paychecks, but that the governor's administration still believes the law took effect after a state office unexpectedly published online.

April Fools on the President Obama story! Just Kidding!
DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." - Confucius, on Learning

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