Sunday, April 17, 2011

The war that took 335 years! The United States did not start it or lose it.

April 17, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
April 17 is … National Cheese ball Day

 This should be a day remembered nearer to Christmas. I rarely eat a Cheese ball other than around Christmas. I like Cheese balls but they are always best after warming a bit at room temperature. Now little cocktail smokies/wieners, They need to be a bit warm with the cooking sauce, whatever it is, pulsating all around the little beggars just calling pout “Eat me, Eat Me” If you have eaten a serving of little wieners and don’t have sauce on your shirt or blouse you did not do it right and should start over, going quicker and messier.

I wrote the other day about the air traffic controllers falling asleep at the wheel. Ray LaHood said it has become priority # 1. Well, it happened again, this time early Saturday in Miami. I hope too many incidents of this type happening do not cause the problem to fall from its lofty perch as priority # 1. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt were briefed on the incident early this morning by David Grizzle, acting chief operating officer of the Air Traffic Organization. Perhaps we should be investigating the air and water supplies running to the places these people are falling asleep. Maybe a Muslim terrorist organization, aren’t they all, is putting something in the air or water causing the sleep in preparation of an attack to commemorate the ten year anniversary of 911 in a few months.

We are all aware of short wars like 3-day, 7-day, and 3-month wars, but have you ever heard of a 335-year war? Today is the anniversary of the day such a war officially ended. In the year 1651, a war began between the Isles of Scilly and the Netherlands. No one seems to know or care what started the war. What seems to be more important is that, although the actual fighting ended in the 17th century, no one had ever officially declared an end to the war until this day in 1986. It was then that the Netherlands ambassador to the Isles of Scilly, Jonkheer Rein Huydecoper, flew to the islands delivering a proclamation that terminated the war.

We’d say that 335 years is a long time to hold a grudge!

On Friday, the Arizona legislature passed a law forcing Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates to prove they are natural born citizens before they can appear on the State’s Presidential ballot. The Arizona Legislature gave final approval late Thursday night to a proposal that would require President Barack Obama and other presidential candidates to prove they are U.S. citizens before their names can appear on the state's ballot. Arizona would become the first state to require such proof if Gov. Jan Brewer signs the measure into law. Republican Rep. Carl Seel of Phoenix, the author of the bill, said the bill wasn't about opposition to Obama. "This bill is about the integrity of our elections," Seel said.

Thirteen other states have considered similar proposals this year. The proposals were defeated in Arkansas, Connecticut, Maine and Montana. The bill won final approval from the state House in a 40-16 vote. So-called "birthers" contend since the last presidential election that Obama is ineligible to hold the nation's highest elected office because, they argue, he was actually born in Kenya, his father's homeland. The Constitution said a person must be a "natural-born citizen" to be eligible for the presidency. This should end the ‘birther’ debate unless Obama decides not to enter the Arizona election or a liberal Obama backing Judge throws the law out.

How’s that Libyan war going for you Barack? Oh, I forgot, we surrendered to NATO. How’s that NATO assault on Libya going for you, Barack? History should teach you Mr. President, that the countries that make up much of NATO are the same ones we bailed out of WW I and WW II. They do not have this winning a war thing down yet. Watch out for the French or before you know it, the Frogs will be surrendering to the Libyan dictator, Moammar Gadhafi.

Sometimes National Treasure III just cannot come quickly enough. Nick Cage must sure think that way. Nicolas Cage was arrested in Louisiana early Saturday morning, following an altercation with his wife of six years, Alice.

The incident that led to the arrest was a rather public one: According to TMZ sources, the Oscar winner was "very drunk" on a New Orleans street when a taxi driver allegedly witnessed the couple quarreling loudly. The cabbie reportedly called the police when Cage pushed his wife. Cage is said to have taunted cops into taking him into custody, repeatedly refusing their request to quietly go home and asking, "Why don't you just arrest me?" The officers ultimately obliged, charging Cage with disturbing the peace and domestic violence. He remains in custody awaiting a bail hearing; his wife is reportedly denying any physical violence occurred, and expressing no wish to press charges. It may not be much of a gravy train but it is her gravy train. With Alice, the actor is raising a son named Kal-El, born in 2005. Cage, who lost his father in 2009, was previously married to Patricia Arquette and Lisa Marie Presley. Cage has a history of public outbursts, including a blow-up last year (caught on tape) on the Romanian set of a movie, and a bar fight in New Orleans last month.

Nobody would dispute that Cage has been battling his fair share of demons recently, including major financial woes. The IRS has alleged for years that he owed millions in income and property tax, while the mother of Cage's firstborn son sued him in 2009 for more than $13 million. That same year, Cage filed a $20 million negligence and fraud suit against his business manager, Samuel Levin, who then accused Cage of ignoring his pleas to stop living beyond his means. Levin said in a countersuit that Cage was repeatedly advised to curtail his spending, but instead ended up purchasing yachts, Rolls Royces, a Gulfstream jet and 15 homes. I guess 14 homes were too few homes. He had to have that 15th home to make life worth living. Now he has 15 homes and a bunk at the New Orleans lockup. I would bet that is a nice, clean, disease free and quiet place to spend a night or two while enjoying the Cajun cuisine.

Just a couple of thoughts I had.
DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

"Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained, progress stops." - Thomas J. Watson

Mr. Watson was a self-made industrialist who started and ran IBM. The computer that just won the Jeopardy contest in February was named Watson, after the IBM founder.

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