Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is Cain the "uppity black" Justice Thomas wasn't?

NOVEMBER 8, 2011


The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

November 8 is … Dunce Day

Boy, we can have some fun with today. Remember, everything is in good humor. You will know it if I am serious.

Herman Cain has pretty much lost any opportunity he had to be President. I never thought he had much of a chance but his inability to get a hold of the sexual harassment situation shows a clear lack of leadership, ability to hire competent staff and a lack of intelligence on his part. Many more women will come out, some telling the truth and some just gold-diggers.

He has mow put a story out to the press complaining about the toll these stories are having on his wife. He is not worried about the affect his conduct on his wife just the reporting of the stories. This has been compared to the Clarence Thomas matters of nearly two decades ago. Both are black men vying for important jobs historically held by white men. The biggest difference is only one woman complained about Justice Thomas and she was discredited. In this case four women have come forward with more to follow. Justice Thomas dealt with one reported case told by a liar. Cain is dealing with a pattern of behavior.

Sharon Bialek, the fourth woman to come out and make sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain, appeared alongside her attorney Gloria Allred at a press conference on Monday. A fifth woman came forward late on Monday.

According to Bialek, the Republican presidential candidate exhibited inappropriate behavior when he was serving as head of the National Restaurant Association more than a decade ago.  Bialek said the alleged incident in question occurred down the street from the NRA headquarters. Describing what happened she said, "Instead of going into the offices, he suddenly reached over and put his hand on my leg, up my skirt, and towards my genitals." She recalled that when she protested the advances, Cain said, "You want a job right?"

Bialek alleged that Cain also "grabbed [her] head and brought it towards his crotch." She said that she was "shocked" by the behavior.

This guy was not just making rude or distasteful comments. He was not trying to be funny and it did not work. He was looking for head from a white woman.

Cain’s campaign only response is to call the accusers liars claiming the accusations are false. I bet they are not all false, probably none of them are false. Justice Thomas stated that the accusations against him were an effort to keep “an uppity black” in his place. Cain claims he is the sole beacon of truth and everyone else is a liar. Like Rocky said to Bullwinkle, “…but that trick never works.”

Catholics get ready. Most church going Catholics are aware of the upcoming changes. Most Catholics do not attend Mass regularly so this may be a surprise at Midnight Mass.

Each Sunday for decades, Roman Catholic priests have offered the blessing – "Lord be with you." And each Sunday, parishioners would respond, "And also with you." Until this month.

Come Nov. 27, the response will be, "And with your spirit." And so will begin a small revolution in a tradition-rich faith. At the end of the month, parishes in English-speaking countries will begin to use a new translation of the Roman Missal, the ritual text of prayers and instructions for celebrating Mass. Get ready fellow Catholics.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.


DEKALB, IL 60115



Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book is now available. The title is Public EneMe?

www.barnesandnoble.com (do a quick search, Title, my name)

www.smashwords.com Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

Public EneMe?

"I thank you God for most this amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes." - E. E. Cummings

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