Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bye-bye Sarah!

NOVEMBER 2, 2010

It is time to vote. Get out to the polling places and exercise your franchise. The politicians may not listen but they surely cannot hear the Sounds of Silence. America we are in a fight. We must become The Boxer to stop from Slip Slidin’ Away. We have to Keep the Customer Satisfied along with Mrs. Robinson as we are on our way to traverse the Bridge Over Troubled Waters. We must be steadfast in our resolve; we must be Like a Rock.

With the election over, can Bill Clinton, Karl Rove and Sarah Palin go away for two years? Please? Can we really take four years of Governor Moonbeam in California? No matter what happens, the immediate impact will be nil. Nothing will change except the people arguing and who will be accomplishing nothing.

Something has to change, quickly and decisively. Even though he’s my brother, he’s getting heavy.

It was a wimpy end to the baseball season but congratulations to the San Francisco Giants foe winning their first World Series since 1954. At that time, they were still the New York Giants. It has been a long wait for California National League baseball fans to get a World Series Championship.


My bet is Health Care Unreform will not happen. If the Republicans do not win both houses of Congress, anything the House does that the Democrats do not like will sit in committee, never getting before the President for signature. The best hope for changing the Health Care Reform Act will be if a Court rules it unconstitutional. That would give the Democrats an out. They could campaign next time claiming they tried but the Courts would not let them. The Republicans can campaign, claiming they got rid of the Health Care Reform Act.

The ‘Bush’ tax cuts will be extended. The extension will go beyond the next election. That way, both parties can claim victory. Neither party wants to rehash this race in 2012.

Something needs to be done about the length of the election season and the cost of running a campaign. Elections should start the day after Labor Day the year of the election. The cost of every election should be limited to $1.00 per citizen in the election area. Nationwide elections could cost $1.00 per American. Statewide elections would be limited to $1.00 per citizen in the State, and so on. The pool of election money would be divided equally between every candidate polling at least 10% on Labor Day. This election reform would allow the voters to see how a candidate budgets his limited resources. Violations of the campaign laws would be a crime with the named candidate subject to charges caused by the actions of his/her underlings.

Every ballot should have a ‘None of the Above’ box to pick. If that box wins the election, that office remains vacant until the next election. This will help get the vote out. It will also bring out a better crop of candidates. No one will want to run for office and get beat by ‘None of the Above’. This should insure a quality slate of candidates who do what they say they will do or risk being beat by an empty seat.

Just a few thoughts from me to you.

Email: brucebrennanlaw@aol.com

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