Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I will be thankful next year if North Korea does not exist.

NOVEMBER 24, 2010

The World does not stop because America is celebrating its bounty. It should but it doesn’t. North Korea has once again decided to play America and the World like a drum. We did not listen to Patton in the 40s or MacArthur in the 50s. We are still allowing a useless country with no significant value to the World to dictate to us. I do not necessarily think America has to play God all the time but somebody better. We have ignored this rebellious little nation for so long, it has developed a strategy to blunt the wishes, goals and desires of this country to such an extent the strategy has gained worldwide acceptance. It has been followed with success by Gaddafi, Hussein, Ortega, Castro and Chavez, to name a few.

Enough is enough. We have the military in South Korea. North Korea is not a threat to America just an expense. If they nave nuclear capabilities, not many think they do yet, China and Japan will prevent their use. Some men are born great, some become great and others have greatness thrust upon them. The leaders of North Korea fall into none of these categories. North Korea is a small, near island nation with few natural resources. This wet spot in the world is dictated over by penguin-looking people with little regard for their citizens or the World. We shouldn’t care either.

A quick, surgical strike at the power bases, the dikes and the ports will relegate North Korea to a footnote in history within three years with little additional expense over what we now spend in that part of the World to be a patsy. More than 55 years after the Korean War ended without a peace treaty and we are still placating these savages. Who is the fool in this story?

Now, on to what late November is all about in The United States of America.

I am thankful for many things. I love many people, places and things. Here are a few of those people, places and things I love and am thankful for.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the most wonderful time of the year. It is a time to be thankful, generous, friendly, gluttonous, happy and proud. Football, College and the Pros, kicks into high gear. College Basketball really gets going with all the Holiday Tournaments, High School Basketball Tournaments are being played and the High School Football playoff finals will be played this weekend. Hunting seasons are running or soon will be. The weather is falling from autumn to winter. The leaves of bright colors and hues are fertilizing the ground leaving the trees naked in the cold.

Christmas music should start now, not weeks ago like it has, slowly creeping into our daily sounds. Christmas sales and Black Friday are upon us. Christmas parties bring friends and co-workers together, creating next year’s rumors and dalliances and good-natured jokes, as well as faded memories. Family gatherings bringing into your presence relatives and friends you don’t see enough and those you see too often.

The hassle of Christmas shopping we all complain about but love to do. The realization some prices do come down, if only for a few days for the annual Christmas sales. Political correctness has lost out and left, allowing us to have a Merry Christmas and Christmas sales rather than happy holidays and winter sales.

Big Hollywood movie blockbusters, White Christmas, the song and movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, Lemon Drop Kid, A Christmas Carol and Christmas song albums by Frank Sinatra, Andy Williams, Nat King Cole, Dean Martin, Elvis Presley, Mariah Carey, Neil Diamond, Harry Connick, Jr., Perry Como, Sammy Davis, Jr., The Country Choir and Bing Crosby.

Food, exchanging gifts, food, cookies, fudge, beautifully shaped cookies, divinity, Christmas trees and the fun in decorating them. Christmas Turkey, Christmas Ham, Christmas Goose mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, pies, cranberries, shrimp, homemade rye bread, any homemade bread, anything homemade except fruitcake.

Getting together with your mom and sister to make Christmas treats, and abiding by the rule you will only eat the burnt and broken ones. Intentionally burning or breaking a few baked goodies so you don’t break your agreement to only eat the burnt or broken ones.

Snow when you have nothing to do or anywhere to go. Sledding, skiing and snowboarding. Bundling up the kids, the first thirty times any way. Going to the closet, once you figure out which closet is the right one and picking out the right scarf and gloves to wear. Seeing if last year’s winter coat still fits, half hoping it doesn’t so you have to buy a new one.

Making out a Christmas list for the relatives, hoping they would just give you cash. Lying to your friends and relatives by telling them “Same size as last year”, figuring you’ll lose a few pounds to make it fit. Smiling broadly when a favorite relative shows up. Saying the prayer before the meal and not having to say how much you miss someone. Thanking God for every one’s good health.

Sneaking a piece of turkey before it is served while the designated carver carves. The delicious smells filling the house. Kickoff. Halftime. Game two. A turkey sandwich on plain white bread with Miracle Whip and lettuce; not cut in two. Pie. Cake. More cookies. The ability to take a nap whenever you want to, just because you can. It is nice to have the Friday after Thanksgiving off from work with no real plans. More football. Not being at the airport to deal with people that do not want to search you any more than you want to be searched.

It is great and a gift to be an American at one of the most American times of the year.

Have a wonderful Christmas season. Wait until you read tomorrow’s muse.

Don’t forget to buy my book. They are going fast. The book makes a great Christmas gift. It is now available at;


DEKALB, IL 60115

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