Sunday, July 31, 2011

Congress, send in the clowns!

JULY 31, 2011


The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

July 31 is … Parent's Day

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day aren’t good enough. We have to combine them for Parent’s Day. It sounds like Congress formed a Committee to determine the best way to celebrate parenthood; we ended up with three separate holidays. What a waste of time and effort.

Tiger Woods is going to play in the PGA tournament next week and in the PGA Championship, the final major of the year, the following week. He needs to earn significant money to become eligible for the FedEx Championship series at the end of the year. He needs the exposure to keep his sponsors happy. He has lost most of them.

Perhaps the Big Oil Five oil companies should run our entire economy instead of just the large portion they do.  The sputtering economy, high unemployment rate and punishing gas prices are taking a huge toll on average Americans, but at least somebody is doing well: The Big Five oil companies this week announced they had made a whopping $36 billion in profits in the second quarter of 2011.

According to second-quarter earnings reports, ExxonMobil alone made $10.7 billion in the most recent three months. That's a 41 percent increase over the same period last year and a 161 percent increase over 2009. Shell nearly doubled its profits year over year, taking in $8.7 billion in the second quarter. Chevron's profits were $7.7 billion, up 43 percent. BP earned $5.6 billion, a far cry from its $17.2 billion loss a year ago. Only Conoco Philips, with $3.4 billion in earnings, posted smaller profits than a year ago, dropping 18 percent due to the jettisoning of some Russian assets.

A good chunk of these profits is coming right out the pockets of the American public, thanks in part to astronomical gas prices and to $4 billion to $8 billion a year in deficit-increasing tax subsidies that oil companies continue to get, long after the incentives those subsidies were designed to create ceased to make economic sense.

Rather than invest their profits in such things as product development, new facilities, hot talent or research -- things that could create jobs, improve consumer offerings and accelerate alternative energy production -- three of the five big oil companies are spending large amounts of that money buying back shares of their own stock.  Exxon spent $5.5 billion -- or more than half of its total profits -- to buy back its own stock in the second quarter; Chevron spent $1 billion, or 13 percent of its profits; and Conoco spent $3.1 billion -- or 91 percent of its profits. The numbers were similar last quarter.

"What this means is these companies see their profits as a way of managing their stock price, rather than investing money in the future of their own companies and the future of the economy," said William Lazonick, a professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

I know big business gets blamed for much of our economic woes but they are playing by the rules Washington makes for them. Additionally, these publically traded companies are owned by Americans or can be, so these profits help Americans. There is no hidden bid corporation purgatory this money goes into never to be seen again.

The biggest problem with the oil companies announcing these profits now is timing and perception. The PR people dropped the ball here. They should have delayed issuing these reports or issued preliminary reports understating profits and issued final reports in a few months. The government does this all the time as it did this week. Our government overstated growth for the first quarter and corrected it this week. This is a common practice in Washington.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.


DEKALB, IL 60115



Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

"The respect of those you respect is worth more than the applause of the multitude." - Arnold Glasow

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I hope the Cubs never win.

JULY 30, 2011


The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

July 30 is … National Cheesecake Day

Today I get and like. It is hard to go wrong with a piece of cheesecake with strawberries or chocolate over it.

Do we have a budget deal yet? Is the sky falling? Did the sun come up this morning? Were the birds chirping? Is China still open? Is Europe still operating? Is the Pope Catholic? I was just wondering.

Does the Republican Party understand the concept of negotiation? It keeps putting out a plan; the plan gets crucified so they change it or draft a new plan. The Democrats never come up with a plan. They just sit back, blame the Republicans and watch as the Republicans negotiate against themselves. The Republican Party is stupid and being made a laughing stock. President Obama is beatable on this issue and in 2012 but not by the morons running the Republican Party now and the Tea-Party is just a turd in the punchbowl, nothing more, an annoying itch that we should not scratch.

I really hope they have an NFL season this year and no one shows up!

I am still praying and hoping against hope that the Chicago White Sox make the baseball playoffs. The Chicago Cubs are doing what they can to prevent it. The White Sox traded a pitcher, Edwin Jackson to Toronto who then traded him to the Cubs arch rival St. Louis. To get back at the White Sox, the Cubs traded a starting outfielder to the Cleveland Indians, the team just ahead of the White Sox.

The Cubs wanted to pimp the White Sox so bad, they are even paying the 4 million dollar salary for the rest of this year owed to the guy they traded. The Cubs got rid of a guy, are paying him and got two minor leaguers they are also paying, who will never make the big league team other than as a late-season call-up or in an injury pinch.

That is some home town loyalty for you. That shows why the Cubs will never win. They are only concerned with selling tickets; making money and making sure the South Siders do not win.

I hope the Chicago Cubs have another bad century and they are eleven years into it so far with no success.

I hope the debt crisis is not solved by the alleged drop dead date of August 2, 2011.

I hope Congress tries not to pay our military people, social security recipients and Medicare beneficiaries. Even the two parties running this country into the ground cannot spread or dodge the blame for that.

I hope everybody realizes this country has enough money on hand to pay all our bills for ninety days if nothing happens by August 2, 2011; the Government will still have revenue coming in.

I hope no one tells Obama he has the authority to make an unlimited number of coins in any denomination. Paper money is limited by law but not coinage. He could issue several Billion dollar coins and use them to pay off China or any other large debt holders. Of course it is just another way to borrow money but it prevents the non-sensical threatened government shutdown.

I hope when the debt crisis bill finally is drafted and voted on it contains a few provisions that will become law quietly, like most large legislative bills have in them; provision such as no foreign aid for Afghanistan, Pakistan and all the other ‘stans’ over there, no foreign aid for Egypt, Israel or Yemen, no public aid or assistance for any illegal aliens, even in medical emergencies; no public money for abortions, birth control and gender transfer; no public aid for anyone on public aid who becomes pregnant, you lose it all; drug testing for all public assistance recipients; term limits of 12 years for all members of Congress total regardless of which House they serve in, years are combined to reach 12; English is established as the National language and all government documents and signs are printed in English only; a qualification to receive any government assistance payments or aid is the requirement you speak English as do your children; require that schools be taught in English only; cease providing military protection to Japan and Europe; exit NATO; exit the United Nations and sell it the UN property and buildings in this country and require property taxes be paid as well as income taxes on income; eliminate the tax-free charity concept, donations and charitable good will not diminish; charities should pay income taxes and property taxes, even churches; eliminate all Congressional committees, we elect Representatives and Senators, they are our committee, we should not allow them to increase spending by hiring people and forming committees to do the job we elected them to do, we could just elect the committee, oh, that’s right we do, it is called Congress.

If the majority of these reforms are implemented, we would increase revenue without raising income taxes or fees on citizens and we would significantly reduce wasteful and useless spending. The budget would have a surplus not a deficit. The surplus should be used to pay off the National debt.

This stuff really is not that difficult, we just complicate it.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.


DEKALB, IL 60115



Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

"You may easily play a joke on a man who likes to argue -- agree with him." - Edgar Watson Howe

Friday, July 29, 2011

I would rather be alive and politically incorrect!

JULY 29, 2011


The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

July 29 is … Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day

I do not have a clue what we are celebrating today or why.

No budget deal yet. No Obama plan yet. Still clueless in Washington DC; Surprise, Surprise.

Politicians were once seen as a necessary evil. Now, they are just evil.

You can run, sometimes for quite a while, but you cannot hide.  Frederick Mark Barrett, a Florida murder convict who had been running from the law for 32 years, was arrested near Montrose, Colorado, Wednesday morning, according to a report from Fox31. The Grand Junction Sentinel reports that Barrett escaped Florida's Union Correction Institute in 1979. He was serving a life sentence for the murder of Carl Ardolino in 1971.

Authorities posing as U.S. Forest Service officials stormed Barrett's remote cabin where he had been living for 17 years under the name 'Neil Richard Meltzer.' The Montrose Daily Press expects Barrett will be extradited to Florida.

Barrett was detailed on America’s Most Wanted in 2010. At the time, officials speculated he may have fled to Hawaii, California, Colorado or Maryland. No word on whether the television exposure aided in his capture.

This guy was on the run longer than Forrest Gump.

From the HuffPost, less than two years after an Army officer killed 13 people in a shooting attack on Fort Hood, police have arrested an AWOL soldier with weapons and explosives who reportedly confessed about his plans to attack the base in Killeen, Tex.

Officers from the Killeen Police Department apprehended a man alleged to have been in possession of firearms and bomb-making materials after authorities received a tip about a suspicious individual, Fox News reports.

The suspect -- identified in multiple media outlets as Pfc. Naser Abdo -- was assigned to a Kentucky base, but had reportedly gone absent without leave around July 4 after officials accused him of possessing child pornography on his government computer.

“Yesterday afternoon, at about 2 p.m., we arrested a Fort Campbell, Kentucky, AWOL solider who was wanted for child pornography," Killeen Police Department spokeswoman Carol Smith told The Huffington Post. "He was arrested at the America’s Best Value Inn, and that's all I can confirm for you right now. He is in our jail, but anything else I can't comment on." FBI spokesman Erik Vasys claimed firearms and "items that could be identified as bomb-making components, including gunpowder" were discovered in the suspect's motel room, according to NBC DFW.

Investigators recovered 18 pounds of sugar, a pressure cooker and six pounds of smokeless gunpowder -- enough raw materials to create two bombs, reported Fox News. Abdo has admitted to authorities that he was planning an attack on Fort Hood, according to an Army alert obtained by the Associated Press.

I may be just paranoid but it seems all of the soldiers looking to commit mass murder in the military are Muslim or have Middle Eastern names. We should just not let Muslims or Middle Easterns into the military for three years. That should be enough time to get rid of the one already in the military and allow us to get a better grip on the problem. Screw political correctness.

In a democracy, the majority rules and I bet that rule would be supported by over half of the voters in this country.

Tiger is back; he is rejoining the circus that is his life. Tiger Woods returns to golf next week at the Bridgestone Invitational, ending an 11-week break to heal injuries to his left leg.

Woods announced the decision on his website on Thursday. On his Twitter account, Woods says he's "feeling fit and ready to tee it up at Firestone next week. Excited to get back out there!"

It marks the third-longest layoff of his career, only this time Woods returns with as much uncertainty about his future as ever. Along with questions about the strength of his left knee and Achilles', he embarks on this latest comeback with a new caddie. Woods has plunged to No. 21 in the world — his lowest ranking since Jan. 26, 1997.

No word on who the caddie will be but he has a niece that is the top ranked female collegiate golfer in America. That would be a nice summer job for her and a nice way to earn a few bucks for college expenses.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too.


DEKALB, IL 60115



Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

“There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency as the simple truth.”     Charles Dickens

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The United States has to stop being the rich uncle to the world.

JULY 28, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
July 28 is … National Milk Chocolate Day

This day is not fair to us weight challenged individuals. It seems we have a bunch of days for candy, cookies and great flavors but that is OK by me.

We are still arguing over the debt ceiling and government spending. A good portion of the national debt and our current over spending is a result of exporting our idea of democracy, freedom and warfare. We are currently engaged three acknowledged wars; Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. We are involved in numerous less publicized wars and actions including Korea, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan and certain states that were formerly part of the Soviet Union. We provide defense to Japan, Germany, Israel and numerous other states that do not spend on their defense since we will.

The United States has been buying friends and international respect for decades. Many of the countries we protect and support have decided we are the bad guy now. We continue to spend our money on them. Most of the nations around have lost their respect for this country but they still cash our checks and we are stupid enough to keep sending them out.

During this self-made, mostly exaggerated, over-hyped political game we are in concerning the debt ceiling and spending, much has been made about how our economic problems will impact international economics and markets. So what. We are now too big to fail just like certain banks were in the Wall Street collapse and the auto industry collapse. In both of those cases the government provided massive bailouts. That money spent impulsively, foolishly and without quality benefits is now helping to cause this crisis, when added to the wasted defense spending.

Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Every mistake should be used as a learning tool. When you get lemons, don’t just have a sour face, make lemonade. The appropriate expressions are endless but we do not seem to be learning a damn thing.

If we try to spend our way out of this mess, we will be revisiting it in a year or two. Obama wants to raise taxes. Taxes rarely go down or away. If we raise taxes now and survive this non-catastrophe, the taxes will still be raised meaning the government will have more money to spend on unappreciative foreign nations and entitlement programs here. The cuts will never take place or will be restored in short order.

Congress can only pass a budget that obligates the government for one  year. This Congress does not have the legal capacity to establish the budget for the next Congress or the Congress in 2014. Therefore, whatever is done today is all for show and publicity, “See what I did.” reelection Babble Congressman can use to tout their ability to govern.

We have lived through this type of childish behavior from our Congress and President in the past. These guys are not inventing anything but they are getting close to improve the absurdity of political behavior.

Boehner’s most recent plan, after detailed scrutiny shows it will only reduce spending by one billion dollars in 2012. The budget crisis is dealing with trillions of dollars and Boehner is going to cut one billion. That is just buying four fewer toilet seats for the space shuttle or a few less hammers for the Air Force. Once this scrutiny appeared in the press, Boehner called off the vote on his plan to redo the numbers. Rephrasing the lies does not make it a better or a workable deal, it just rephrases it.

Boehner, at least, has a plan. The Democrats do not have a detailed plan they will release. President Obama is just sitting quietly in the White House refusing to produce a plan. Once a deal is reached, he will come charging out of the Rose Garden on a white horse claiming to be our savior. He will come out for a plan he never read but was told about, similar to Obamacare.

We need to pass a law that says every Congressman and President that votes for or signs a budget that increases over the cost of living is ineligible for reelection. I believe Warren Buffet has espoused a similar sentiment.

Just one of the problems, according to our Secretary of the Treasury, 80 million people get government payments every month; that is 25% of the population.

Baseline budget spending is one of the largest scams in Washington. This concept calls for every budget item to increase a certain per centage every year. When Congress repeals the planned increase they brag about cutting spending. They are not cutting spending; they are merely not allowing an increase to take effect. What was spent last year will be spent next year. Where is the cut in that?

It is time to clean house in Washington. Even if the elected official is your spouse, parent, sibling or friend, they need to be voted out of office. Everyone talks about voting the rascals out but not their guy, he’s good. Everyone around the nations thinks this way and most get reelected. That has got to end.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too.
DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure.
Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wu who? Don't cry for me Portland.

JULY 27, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
July 27 it is… Take Your Pants For A Walk Day

Stay in your pants to do this. Congressman Wu might still have a job if he had left his pants on.

At least one Congressman has learned something from Weinergate. If you are caught with your pants down, do not bother trying to cover-up. It just will not work. Democratic Rep. David Wu of Oregon announced Tuesday that he will resign amid political fallout from an 18-year-old woman's allegations she had an unwanted sexual encounter with him.

Within days of the allegation, Democratic leaders requested a House Ethics Committee investigation of his conduct. Wu had said Monday he would not seek re-election, but had come under increasing pressure to step down. "The wellbeing of my children must come before anything else," Wu said in a statement. "With great sadness, I therefore intend to resign effective upon the resolution of the debt-ceiling crisis. This is the right decision for my family, the institution of the House, and my colleagues."

Wu is the second House Democrat in the last six weeks to be forced to resign as a result of a sex scandal. Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York resigned after sending lewd photos of himself through Twitter.

It is hard to make Wu in Congress any more. It’s about time.

On this day in 1909, Orville Wright (one of the famous Wright Brothers, along with Wilbur) set a record for the longest airplane flight. Not that there were many records available ... after all, it was the Wright Brothers who worked so hard at making plane flight practical in the first place!

Orville was testing the Army’s first airplane and kept it aloft for 1 hour, 12 minutes and 40 seconds over Fort Myer, Virginia. He was so tired from the experience that the plane crash-landed. He and his passenger (name unknown) were OK. I wonder if he wore p[ants for this flight?

On this date in 1953 the armistice agreement that ended the Korean War was signed at Panmunjon, Korea. The war lasted three years and 32 days. The truce negotiations between North Korean and U.S. delegates (representing South Korea) lasted two years and seventeen days.

Also on this date in 1990,  Zsa Zsa Gabor begins a 3 day jail sentence for slapping a cop. She is still alive but apparently in poor health.

Serial killers are always among us. They have been around for hundreds of years or longer but were just given a name in the late 1970s. A serial killers suffer from Antisocial Personality Disorder and appear normal or charming, sometimes referred to as the "mask of sanity." Sometimes there is a sexual element to the murders and they may have a commonality such as gender, occupation, appearances, race, etc.

The term serial killer was coined in the 1970s due to cases such as Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz. According to an FBI Behavioral Unit study 85% of the world's serial killers are in America. At any given time 20 to 50 unidentified active serial killers are at work continually changing their targets and methods. Prostitutes, runaways, and others who lead transient and anonymous lives are usually not reported missing promptly and receive little police or media attention, making them excellent targets. Experts speculate on what happens to unsolved cases of murderers. Some may commit suicide, die, be incarcerated, in mental institutions, relocate, or stopped killing; a few turn themselves in.

Experts don't agree on an exact definition of a serial killer but general definitions are based on numbers and patterns: two or more unrelated victims in distinctly separate incidents. The Northwest has a notorious history of prototype killers -- among them are Ted Bundy and the Green River Killer. Lesser known serial killers have claimed scores of lives but are only charged and/or convicted of one or two murders, but suspected of more.

A couple of years ago the BTK killer from Wichita, Kansas resurfaced after nearly 30 years since his first suspected killing. Dennis Rader was active from 1974 to 1994. In 2004 he began writing letters about his crimes. He had written letters while he was active, teasing the authorities and daring them to catch him. After his desire to reenter the spotlight resulted in the letters in 2004, he got his wish and was captured.

Are you tired of political correctness? Do you find it difficult to say what you believe because someone is always looking to pick a fight? I am tired of it. I did not bomb anything on 9/11. I never enslaved anyone. I do not owe anyone a free ride regardless of their upbringing, social status, color, race or lot in life. I see no reason to apologize for being an American, for being from the greatest nation the world has ever known no matter what Pres. Obama does. I am not happy with our President but I am proud of him. I do not agree with everything our country does overseas and around the world but I will defend these actions to my death.

Remember political correctness.  "Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical and radical minority, rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too.
DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." - George S. Patton