Saturday, July 30, 2011

I hope the Cubs never win.

JULY 30, 2011


The news as I see it and the views as I want them.

July 30 is … National Cheesecake Day

Today I get and like. It is hard to go wrong with a piece of cheesecake with strawberries or chocolate over it.

Do we have a budget deal yet? Is the sky falling? Did the sun come up this morning? Were the birds chirping? Is China still open? Is Europe still operating? Is the Pope Catholic? I was just wondering.

Does the Republican Party understand the concept of negotiation? It keeps putting out a plan; the plan gets crucified so they change it or draft a new plan. The Democrats never come up with a plan. They just sit back, blame the Republicans and watch as the Republicans negotiate against themselves. The Republican Party is stupid and being made a laughing stock. President Obama is beatable on this issue and in 2012 but not by the morons running the Republican Party now and the Tea-Party is just a turd in the punchbowl, nothing more, an annoying itch that we should not scratch.

I really hope they have an NFL season this year and no one shows up!

I am still praying and hoping against hope that the Chicago White Sox make the baseball playoffs. The Chicago Cubs are doing what they can to prevent it. The White Sox traded a pitcher, Edwin Jackson to Toronto who then traded him to the Cubs arch rival St. Louis. To get back at the White Sox, the Cubs traded a starting outfielder to the Cleveland Indians, the team just ahead of the White Sox.

The Cubs wanted to pimp the White Sox so bad, they are even paying the 4 million dollar salary for the rest of this year owed to the guy they traded. The Cubs got rid of a guy, are paying him and got two minor leaguers they are also paying, who will never make the big league team other than as a late-season call-up or in an injury pinch.

That is some home town loyalty for you. That shows why the Cubs will never win. They are only concerned with selling tickets; making money and making sure the South Siders do not win.

I hope the Chicago Cubs have another bad century and they are eleven years into it so far with no success.

I hope the debt crisis is not solved by the alleged drop dead date of August 2, 2011.

I hope Congress tries not to pay our military people, social security recipients and Medicare beneficiaries. Even the two parties running this country into the ground cannot spread or dodge the blame for that.

I hope everybody realizes this country has enough money on hand to pay all our bills for ninety days if nothing happens by August 2, 2011; the Government will still have revenue coming in.

I hope no one tells Obama he has the authority to make an unlimited number of coins in any denomination. Paper money is limited by law but not coinage. He could issue several Billion dollar coins and use them to pay off China or any other large debt holders. Of course it is just another way to borrow money but it prevents the non-sensical threatened government shutdown.

I hope when the debt crisis bill finally is drafted and voted on it contains a few provisions that will become law quietly, like most large legislative bills have in them; provision such as no foreign aid for Afghanistan, Pakistan and all the other ‘stans’ over there, no foreign aid for Egypt, Israel or Yemen, no public aid or assistance for any illegal aliens, even in medical emergencies; no public money for abortions, birth control and gender transfer; no public aid for anyone on public aid who becomes pregnant, you lose it all; drug testing for all public assistance recipients; term limits of 12 years for all members of Congress total regardless of which House they serve in, years are combined to reach 12; English is established as the National language and all government documents and signs are printed in English only; a qualification to receive any government assistance payments or aid is the requirement you speak English as do your children; require that schools be taught in English only; cease providing military protection to Japan and Europe; exit NATO; exit the United Nations and sell it the UN property and buildings in this country and require property taxes be paid as well as income taxes on income; eliminate the tax-free charity concept, donations and charitable good will not diminish; charities should pay income taxes and property taxes, even churches; eliminate all Congressional committees, we elect Representatives and Senators, they are our committee, we should not allow them to increase spending by hiring people and forming committees to do the job we elected them to do, we could just elect the committee, oh, that’s right we do, it is called Congress.

If the majority of these reforms are implemented, we would increase revenue without raising income taxes or fees on citizens and we would significantly reduce wasteful and useless spending. The budget would have a surplus not a deficit. The surplus should be used to pay off the National debt.

This stuff really is not that difficult, we just complicate it.

Just a couple of thoughts I had and you should too or at least think about.


DEKALB, IL 60115



Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming. (Do search by my name or book Title) (do a quick search, Title, my name) Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

"You may easily play a joke on a man who likes to argue -- agree with him." - Edgar Watson Howe

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