Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Let's kill some Baptists!

JULY 12, 2011
The news as I see it and the views as I want them.
July 12 is … National Pecan Pie Day

Do you say Peecon or Pican? I say Peecon myself, it just sounds more southern.

On July 12th in 1914 Babe Ruth makes his baseball debut, pitches for the Red Sox.

The Westboro Baptist Church out of Topeka, Kansas, which is reportedly run by a gay pedophile is taking on Betty Ford. What a bunch of inbreeding lunatics. The anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church has announced plans to picket this week's funeral services for former first lady Betty Ford in California and Michigan.

The website of the Topeka, Kansas-based church said the fringe group will demonstrate at Ford's funerals because she divorced her first husband William Warren prior to marrying the late president Gerald R. Ford. In Westboro's eyes, that makes Ford an adulterer who "loved to sit with tawdry reporters and blather about sex." In my eyes this makes all members of this church prime murder targets.

The group plans to picket at services at Saint Margaret Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, Calif. on Tuesday (July 12) and at Grace Episcopal Church in East Grand Rapids on Thursday when her casket will travel by motorcade for burial at the Ford Museum.

The extremist church -- mostly a collection of Fred Phelps' extended family and friends -- formally won the right to picket funerals in March after an 8-1 Supreme Court decision ruled it is protected by the First Amendment. "She couldn't wait to have an audience with a reporter to titter about premarital sex, and how much she loved to teach it to her daughters," the church's website said. "The trashy reporters encouraged her to say more! So she urged all the women of this doomed foul nation to engage in extramarital sex. Then she pushed for abortion, because when you teach a nation's women to be whores, it's inevitable pregnancies will inconvenience the selfish strumpets! That is the legacy of Betty Ford."

Therefore, all the woman members of this church are whores. That is what you get by applying their reasoning. Why don’t we all meet at this church and have an orgy, the head minister can demonstrate for us on both sexes of all ages.

Famous people from Illinois, we do have some. Do you know any of these folks?

Famous Illinoisans

Franklin Pierce Adams author, Chicago
Jane Addams social worker, Cedarville
Gillian Anderson actress, Chicago
Mary Astor actress, Quincy
Arnold O. Beckman inventor, Cullom
Jack Benny comedian, Chicago
Black Hawk Sauk Indian chief
Harry A. Blackmun jurist, Nashville
William E. Borah public official, Fairfield
Ray Bradbury author, Waukegan
William Jennings Bryan orator, politician, Salem
Edgar Rice Burroughs author, Chicago
Marvin Camras inventor, Chicago
Jennie Garth actress, Urbana
Gower Champion choreographer, Geneva
John Chancellor TV commentator, Chicago
Raymond Chandler writer, Chicago
Jimmy Connors tennis champion, East St. Louis
James Gould Cozzens author, Chicago
Cindy Crawford model, DeKalb
Richard J. Daley mayor, Chicago
Miles Davis musician, Alton
Walt Disney film animator, producer, Chicago
John Dos Passos author, Chicago
James T. Farrell author, Chicago
Harrison Ford actor, Chicago
Betty Friedan feminist, Peoria
Benny Goodman musician, Chicago
John Gunther author, Chicago
George E. Hale astronomer, Chicago
Dorothy Hamill ice skater, Chicago
Ernest Hemingway author, Oak Park
John M. Harlan jurist, Chicago
Charlton Heston actor, Evanston
Wild Bill Hickok scout, Troy Grove
William Holden actor, O'Fallon
Rock Hudson actor, Winnetka
Burl Ives singer, Hunt City
James Jones author, Robinson
Quincy Jones composer, Chicago
Walter Kerr drama critic, Evanston
Archibald MacLeish poet, Glencoe
David Mamet playwright, Chicago
Homer Z. Martin inventor, Chicago
Stanley Mazor inventor, Chicago
Robert A. Millikan physicist, Morrison
Sherrill Milnes baritone, Downers Grove
Bill Murray actor, Wilmette
John G. Neihardt poet, Sharpsburg
Bob Newhart actor, comedian, Chicago
Frank Norris author, Chicago
William S. Paley broadcasting executive, Chicago
Drew Pearson columnist, Evanston
Richard Pryor comedian, actor, Peoria
Ronald Reagan U.S. president, actor, Tampico
Carl Sandburg poet, Galesburg
Lewis Hastings Sarett inventor, Champaign
Sam Shepard playwright, Fort Sheridan
William L. Shirer author, historian, Chicago
McLean Stevenson actor, Bloomington
Preston Sturges director, Chicago
Clyde W. Tombaugh astronomer, Streator
Gloria Swanson actress, Chicago
Carl Van Doren writer, educator, Hope
Melvin Van Peebles playwright, Chicago
Irving Wallace author, Chicago
Alfred Wallenstein conductor, Chicago
Raquel Welch actress, Chicago
Florenz Ziegfield theatrical producer, Chicago

Not a bad list of famous and influential people from the Land of Lincoln; Abe was not even born in Illinois so he did not make the list.

Just a couple of thoughts I had.
DEKALB, IL 60115

Go to web sites below to buy books by Bruce A. Brennan. It is still a good time to purchase any of my books. The books are interesting and inexpensive reads. My third book should be available later this year, in late 2011. More information will be forthcoming.

www.ebookmall.com (Do search by my name or book Title)
www.barnesandnoble.com (do a quick search, Title, my name)
http://www.smashwords.com/ Do a Title or author search.

Book Titles:

Holmes the Ripper

A Revengeful Mix of Short Fiction

  "It is seldom indeed that one parts on good terms, because if one were on good terms one would not part." - Marcel Proust

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