Thursday, August 19, 2010

CORNFEST and Pakistan

August 19, 2010

Good Morning.

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For the DeKalb area reader, this weekend is CORNFEST 2010 – CHECK IT OUT. For those of you unaware of the DeKalb city festival, it is a welcome back for the students attending Northern Illinois University. It is also a way to introduce them to our downtown shopping area. Of course, a few years ago, the powers that run CORNFEST moved the festival to our airport. I have not measured the distance myself but it appears the festival area is as far away from the University as it can get and stay in the city limits. It also does no good for local retailers since it is miles from our downtown. CORNFEST is easier to get to for people from the Fox Valley area, to our east, than it is for folks living in DeKalb.

The CORNFEST run is still local in flavor, although the longer run, 10K is often won by an outsider. The 3K run is designed for families and people like me. I had a stroke 5 months ago. I cannot run 10K, but then, I couldn’t run it before the stroke. This year, with the encouragement from the fine people at Unlimited Performance, my rehabilitation provider, especially David, I am going to try the 3K run. I will walk not run.

I wonder how much money President Obama is going to give away to Pakistan later today. Once again the United States is going to bat for a country and government that does not like us and will complain when we do not give enough, quick enough. Experience tells us the government officials of Pakistan will become wealthy later today and their citizens will not be much better off.

See you in the funny papers.

Bruce A..Brennan

1 comment:

  1. Cornfest is still out at the Airport? I was under the impression that was a temporary move while the downtown area was under construction. Best of luck with the 3K! Stay hydrated and wear comfortable shoes.

    In the mean time check out the is article. Any thoughts? (you may have to cut and paste the address into your browser)
