Thursday, August 12, 2010

The library, the Courthouse, the economy and whatever.


I just read the Daily Chronicle. A first page story concerns the library purchase of an old medical building in downtown DeKalb. The Library Board originally approved the purchase of the building, which it will tear down, during a closed session in May. The May vote allegedly violated the Illinois Open Meetings Act. This violation was confirmed by the attorney for the Board, although he suggested it was an inadvertent violation. The May vote was investigated by the DeKalb County State's Attorney. I do not think anyone thought a criminal action occurred involving jail time. Later, the attorney for the Board reversed his position and indicated a violation never occurred. The Board wanted it both ways and the abandoned medical building. The seller just wanted to unload the building. They did nothing wrong.

The Library Board has now ratified its earier vote. This means they got a do over. The Board attorney now wants this to go away. He is pulling a Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?" My response is "Can't we get competent people involved from the beginning to avoid this appearance of incompetence?"

Ultimately, the propety will likely be purchased, allegedly unforeseen problems will be uncovered, the cost will rise dramatically and the new library building will be built. Everyone will be happy but the taxpayer.

Page A-3 of the same Daily Chronicle has a story about the Courthouse revisions. I am an attorney. I work in the Courthouse regularly. Additional space is needed. The story talks about budget problems and over-runs. It also touches on needed amenities not covered by the proposed budget, like increased security to handle the increased use of the bigger building. Since this increased cost is not taken into account in the proposed budget, the cost will be more than projected now. The spin will be this is not a cost over-run since the original budget did not include any cost although we knew there was a cost.

Another story on page A-6, from The Associated Press out of Washington D. C., states in the headline ECONOMY might be weaker than thought.  Who knew this? Thanks for the head's up. Enough said.

The White Sox are back in first place!

The PGA Championship is being played near Sheboygan, WI. It is a short drive and a good time. Check it out.

The Little League World Series is gearing up on ESPN. It is fun to watch. GO USA.

Have a great day- Stay cool.


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