AUGUST 28, 2010
Congratulations to the DeKalb Barbs for a hard fought, exciting win, 28-21. The Barbs scored in the final thirty seconds for the win. Good Luck to the Sycamore Spartans who play tonight at 7:30.
I feel President Obama is unintentionally destroying our country. At least I hope it is unintentional. For the past several decades, society has degraded into a mob of uneducated, uncivilized, lazy, selfish and violent individuals. President Obama seems to support all these liberal ideas, propping up the poor and, in his mind, the disadvantaged. They are poor and disadvantaged because we have created millions of people like this.
This has many causes and the exact start of the degradation of our society is hard to establish. I grew up as a Catholic. The church used to publish a list of approved movies. You did not go to a movie on the “bad” list. During the 50s and 60s, movies did not readily include nudity, frank sexual talk or action and rampant swearing. Once it was accepted from Hollywood, it became part of everyday life. Everybody went to the movies whether approved or not.
Welfare and other forms of entitlement programs were truly for the needy. Generally, churches and charities took care of the needy, which was viewed as a temporary situation not to be proud of or accept as a matter of life. Persons worked to get off the government dowl. People rightly thought they were not carrying their weight when they accepted freebies and lived off someone else.
The Birth Control pill has helped tear society down. Have sex for recreation, not for love. You can’t get pregnant. Sexually transmitted diseases became a real problem because of the proliferation of out-of-wedlock sex.
Just the name “entitlement programs” says it all. People think they are entitled to government handouts even though they have done nothing to pay into the welfare coffers. Generations of people not exist that know no other way of life.
Then we have schools. For years we did not teach our children. Youngsters were socially promoted to the next grade level. We sure didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Now we have millions of citizens from forty on down who cannot function in the world. So we pay them, give them housing, food stamps, child care, medical care, an education they don’t want and won’t take advantage of and everything else one needs in life.
Let us review the criminal justice system. We overcharge many people with crimes, knowing all charges will not be proved or some will be dismissed in plea negotiations. The person is then convicted of a crime. Many times, the sentence includes community service hours of work or a type of counseling or therapy. The community service hours have not made a noticeable difference in the community. Are our parks cleaner? Streets cleaner? Any work the now convicted criminal does deprives a law=abiding employee a job. Where is the equity in that? The counseling or therapy is also a failure. Who pays for the counseling or the therapy? Not the criminal in most cases. Before counseling or therapy is successful, a participant has to want the help. Forcing a criminal to go to counseling or therapy does not accomplish that. The criminal; puts up with it to complete his/her sentence that is all.
We cannot always blame liberal Judges for the lenient sentences. Many crimes come with a mandatory sentence. This is another example of an unfunded mandate from the legislature. They pass a law, forcing local government to do certain things but do not provide any money to implement the new law. They tack a fee onto the criminals sentence to allegedly funding the new mandate even though the criminal will never pay the fine or cost.
Sending a person to jail treats them as they should be treated. It also prevents additional crimes on society while that person is incarcerated. Truth in sentencing would also help. The prosecuting attorneys like to brag about conviction rates and those sent to prison. In Illinois, if you are sentenced to 18 months in prison, you get nine months off for good behavior, so it is nine months. You then get six months off because it was a non-violent crime (most 18 month sentences are for non-violent crimes). So the 18 months become 3 months. If a criminal took jail time in the County Jail, they would not get the 6 months off for non-violent crimes. They would serve longer in the County Jail than in State prison. What is wrong with that picture?
Many criminals get three to five convictions before jail time is seriously considered. By then they are career criminals and not very good ones since they keep getting caught. Nip the criminal behavior in the bud before it becomes part of a person’s life. That will save us all money and perhaps the criminal from a life of petty crimes, drug and alcohol abuse, unwanted and unpaid for children and graduation to more serious crimes, perhaps violent crimes.
I know it is not fair or reasonable to incarcerate every criminal. Some crimes society allows people to break if they want to pay a fine or live under some type of Court Supervision. That is fine. That option is just used too often.
We can build more and bigger prisons. Instead of having a criminal complete community service by picking up litter or painting park benches, why don’t we have them work on building the prisons most will someday live in?
Education is broke. Welfare is broke. The justice system is broke. We bailed out Wall Street, banks, car companies, airlines and many other businesses that could not make it in the free market world. We should let them fail and go out of business.
We regulate business to near extinction. In the late 80s and early 90s the government sued lenders because they were not lending money in certain areas of many big cities. Red-lining it was called. The lenders were not making these loans because they knew it was a bad risk.
The government forced them to make these mortgage loans and within five years, the lenders were failing. Wonder why? Obama did most of the bailing out but he hasn’t tried to fix the schools.
You cannot fix every problem by spending more money. If the people in charge are failing with one dollar and you give them another dollar, they will then fail with two dollars. Change those in charge not the budget. Obama hired a guy from a failed Wall Street company to become treasury secretary. Does anybody but me see the stupidity in that reasoning? Let someone incompetent make a mess and then hire him to clean it up. That is good for job security but not for the tax payer. Why is Bernanke still in charge of the Federal Reserve System? The economy collapsed on his watch. He should be fired for allowing that to happen if not for not seeing it coming.
A non-violent revolution is percolating just under the surface of America. Most of us are sick of working hard to support lazy, welfare sucking criminals who do not deserve it or appreciate it. The government then raises the workers’ taxes or attaches a fee to a product or service in order to generate money to give away. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. WISE UP AMERICA before it is too late and there is a violent revolution.
The government is aware of the discontent in America. That is one of the biggest reasons it wants to take our guns away. If only the government, police and military have guns, it is difficult to sustain an uprising. The first thing Hitler did once he took power was to outlaw private gun ownership. If we don’t learn from history we are doomed to repeat it.
I do not want to get started on health reform. Obama took a working system, increased the cost and broke it.
If we need tax revenue so bad, why don’t we take away the tax exempt status of religions, all religions? No one could complain then, although plenty will, especially Jesse Jackson, the alleged reverend. Besides, the government has pretty much become a charity for the needy already.
We are told the increase in taxes and government fees is needed to prop up the economy, fix roads and bridges, hire police and firefighters, build schools and fund education’s other needs. Isn’t that what the government is supposed to do? Other than provide military protection, which we do for countries other than our own, the government is designed to develop the infra-structure. Why do we have to pay for it twice?
This is just some food for light weekend thought and discussion.
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