Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Evil protesters, the season of Fall and negotiating with criminals


Welcome to September. Fall is a great time of the year in Northern Illinois. Amber waves of grain, apples, pumpkins, cider, cool, crisp mornings, frost on the pumpkin and well-handle, crappies, upland game hunting, deer and turkey hunting, Halloween, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving, parades, raking leaves, falling acorns, geese high over head, squirrels preparing for winter, smell of burning leaves, loss of robins and other song birds, welcoming northern migratory birds, time change, darkness by 5:00 p.m., farm equipment on our country roads, smell of spreading manure on the farm fields, change of leaves, return of Bald Eagles to Starved Rock, fall colored clothing, Pumpkin Fest in Sycamore, IL, exit of fresh local vegetables, first traces of snow in the air, Christmas advertising and Christmas sales. We haven’t even gotten through November.

Why would the head of the Chicago Police Department meet with gang leaders? Does he really think you are going through negotiations? What do you do, give them two rapes for each murder they agree not to commit?

Jody P. Weis has always seemed inept in his job as Superintendant of Chicago Police. We should not negotiate with the gangs like they are world leaders, we should arrest them. They are criminals. They must conform to the laws the majority imposed and follow. They should not get any special deals or treatment because the Police are not good enough at their job to end the crime.

Arrest them at a young age for crimes they are involved in and incarcerate them. Most are better off in jail or a group home than back in their own home where the situation never changes. Crime has to have significant consequences. It does not appear it does in many of our major metropolitan areas. This is not unique to Chicago, IL we just hear about it more often since Chicago is sixty miles away.

In Chicago, the Police are negotiating with the gangs and the Cook County Sheriff is advertising against prostitution with billboards. This just seems like the derelicts are winning. Just arrest and prosecute these people don’t coddle them.

Check out the web site below for your chance to win a trip to Mount Airy, North Carolina, Andy Griffith’s home town, during a city wide festival celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of The Andy Griffith Show. It debuted on Oct. 3, 1960 on CBS.

The 2011 Farmers’ Almanac hits the newsstands on Tuesday, September 7, 2010. Do not confuse The Farmers’ Almanac with The Old Farmers’ Almanac. The Farmers’ Almanac is from New Jersey, originally, and is younger than the New Hampshire based The Old Farmers’ Almanac.

The weather forecast for our area is to be “kinder and gentler” than last year. The temperatures should be “much colder than normal winter temperatures” but not as frigid as we saw last winter in the upper Midwest. They are also predicting three storm systems, which seems low to me. We will see. The publication claims 80 to 85% accuracy. A monkey can predict cold in the winter with snow so their accuracy does not appear to be astonishing.

Check out the blog below. It is fun if you like traveling, especially unusual sites to see

The Westboro Baptist Church out of Topeka, Kansas, a topic on the blog theyellowbrickroad, is the group of homophobic, anti-American idiotic pacifists that protest high profile homosexual funerals and more importantly, they protest the funerals of American servicemen and women killed in action. The Church has been in the news for the last several years, always because of their un-American activities. The cowards that belong to this alleged church are mostly the children, grandchildren and other relatives of the founder Fred Phelps. It has been reported Mr. Phelps is a homosexual, at least I read this somewhere. These people are so proud of their actions their web site is constantly under construction. You cannot contact them on the web.

Murder is illegal. The taking of the life of another human being is not if legally justified. They will discover this when they put together a protest at the wrong funeral. Of course their death would not be wrong to me. I am not advocating killing these morons; I just would not weep if they were killed while participating in their unjustifiable activities.

They have the right to their opinions, so do I. I would not give the web address even if it were operating. Wouldn’t it be ironic if a hearse lost control while carrying the body of a fallen soldier and accidentally killed some of these protesters?

“There’s no present. There’s only the immediate future and the recent past.”


“If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?”


Think about it while you are having a great day.



1 comment:

  1. What? No comment on the placement of the Ump 10-15 yards behind the offensive line rather that 5 yards behind the defense? No comment on that Cuban kid from the Reds who threw 103 mph in relief last night? Why couldn't the Sox get him, instead of Manny (the Whiner) Ramirez? BTW, I agree about the gangs & negotiations. Just arrest & prosecute them. THAT's why we hire the cops!
